Puppet Music, christian
Music for Puppets
Target Trax Music
from One Way Street

Prices do not include freight, enquiries email us

Target Trax
Each CD is 'targeted' at either a specific audience, a specific teaching theme,
or a specified musical style. They are suitable for song service or puppets. Side B soundtrack
CD's $15:00AUD each

Make The Right Choice
# Everybody In the House - this song is a crowd pleaser with lots of spirit based on Joshua 24:15b "Choose whom you will serve."
# Build Your House Upon The Rock - this is a new, fun arrangement of the old song about wise and foolish men
who built their houses on the rock and the sand.
# Flying (B.T.S.O.Y.P.) -this is a great song which depicts a pilot who learned his lesson the hard way:
If you're not living by the Word of God, you're flying By the Seat of Your Pants!
# Choices -this is a high energy song which talks about the consequences of your choices - �ou win or lose by the way you choose".
# Your Conscience -a little girl sings this song about the troubles she faces, only to be reminded that she must listen to her conscience.
# Be The One -this is a strong, challenging song which uses solo and back up voices to confront each one of us to take a stand for what's right.
Faith Adventure. CD

Six songs are great for puppetry, listening and giving encouraging messages for all. All upbeat.
#F-A-I-T-H - male cheerleader and children.

#Hebrews 11:1 and 6- female lead.

#Faith -male lead, rock-n-roll guitar.

#Screen Door -a cappella quartet, finger snaps.

#Hall of Faith -male lead and backup, slower.